Monday 12 March 2012

A Perfect Dystopia

This story takes place in a society in which almost all of the population is artificial, and superficial. In this society  being unique is out of the question, everyone looks the same and even act the same! At the age of sixteen every single person is forced to undergo an operation that makes them stunningly beautiful. This operation was put in place so that there would no longer be disputes and violence over what we do and don't have. The author used today's society as a benchmark of how bad  society can get. The government in this story vowed to never go back to our ways of violence and hatred. However you soon learn that nothing is perfect, even though it may seem so. At about the midway point of the book, you  learn of the dark secrets being kept by the government. The reason that there are almost no disputes is not because the government had created the greatest system of all time, but because the government had made countless lies to make everything seem that way. For example, during the operation the brain of the patient is injected with a chemical that creates small lesions in the brain. These lesions alter the way that these people think and act. It basically turns all "New Pretties" into brainless party animals with no goal in life at all. These pretties are constantly partying and because there is no one to stop them, there would be no reason to dislike the government. However when they age and turn into middle pretties, they can't act like that, right? So they undergo a second operation in which these lesions are altered to make them a little less crazy, and for the citizens who have very important jobs, the lesions are removed altogether. This deceit is how the government managed to convince all of the citizens that their world was perfect. However behind all that smoke and mirrors, this "Perfect World" is a dystopia.

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