Sunday 25 March 2012

Journal Entry #2 (Shay)

Am I Really That Ugly?

            This is a real dilemma isn't it. Tally keeps talking about how "Oh, I'm sooo ugly I can't wait until I'm pretty" and "Wow Shay you're so skinny, but don't worry the operation will fix that right up!" It's so weird! I don't see anything wrong with me or her. Maybe I'm missing something and I really am ugly! But then getting an operation worth fixing that? What if I'm not the same person I was going into it or what if they mess up the operation and I'll be the laughingstock of all of Pretty Town! No, I can't think like that, on the bright side me and Tally will be pretty together and we'll have so much fun! Right? Or she'll just go back to her friend Peris and I'll lose her just like I lost all my other friends.     
           *Sigh* Maybe David was right, maybe being Pretty isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Maybe I should move to The Smoke, where no one will leave me. Oh! I have a great idea, I can convince Tally to come with me, that way I won't be alone and I'll have a true friend with me. Speaking of true friend, I hope she views me as one, I know we've only been friends for less than two months but I think that we've really connected and I feel like I can tell her anything. Anyways I'll find out if she is truly a friend when I ask her to come with me. Only a true friend will leave home because her friend told her to.         

                Or is that too harsh? Maybe I can't just expect someone to do something as dramatic as that, true friend or not,  I know that if I was asked to leave home just out of thin air, I would be pretty reluctant. Well reluctant or not, it won't hurt to try.
            Well I just went outside to talk to Tally and... well I failed, bad. I wasn't even able to directly ask the question, just some failed attempts at having her share my point of view. But to no avail, she is completely mesmerized by the idea of being beautiful, it seems like I'll be going to The Smoke alone... unless I can figure out a way to convince her. So far that won't be happening however, so all I can do is hope.

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